The Moonlight

Dazzled by lights in my room, I look out of window frame to find solace in the vastness of this night

Neither any silver-lined cloud nor many stars line this monotonous dark sky in any dimensions of my sight.

I stretch out my head, to see beyond the overhead frame, which is lined at a portion by the reflection of the moon

It always appears similar, yet every time it touches me in a different way like my favourite music tune.

These encounters with the moon remind me how everyone is so similar, everybody is so same

Yet every soul, a combination of similar curves and design of limbs is so different to be called with a different name.

One among such significant souls is you, whose name disappears all my worries, free me from all fears,

This essence of you and your presence lies in every droplet which falls from my eyes in form of my tears.

These tears may look like a drop in the ocean, but it’s a drop in which the ocean of feelings is kept

Let me be allowed to swim in a river not to aim for shore, but through it meet the ocean’s deepest depth.

I feel perhaps that depth in the deep ocean is my asylum, a place where will meet the souls of me and you

Where shall be the freedom from the worldly distances and where every feeling is ours and be new.

I look at sky which is in front of me, and maybe this is how the deep ocean inverted might have been

But what could I do, should I dare to swim in it, reality holds me back for a world where I will be seen.

The moon is still there in the sky, yet I pull my head in before it fades in the journey of complete dark

Now I don't worry about this moon, for I know mine stays in my heart, which would nowhere shall depart.

Aashish Kochhar


  1. Mind blowing👌👌❤

  2. This is such a beautiful poem! The moon definitely touches our heart in different ways, it comforts, it allows us to get deep into our emotions and so much more! Love this!!


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